How Much Does a Pigeon Cost?

The cost of a pigeon can vary greatly depending on the breed and quality. On average, commonly bred pigeons can cost anywhere from $50 to $400, while showing pigeons of higher quality can exceed $1,000. The Hungarian House Pigeon and Racing Homer have varying prices, with the former priced anywhere from $250 to $400 and the latter costing between $50 to $80.

Other popular breeds, such as the American Show Racer and the King Pigeon, can cost between $100 to $300 and $50 to $200, respectively. It’s important to research the breed and quality of the pigeon before purchasing to ensure that you are getting a fair price and a healthy bird. Additionally, the cost of caring for a pigeon, including food, housing, and veterinary care, should also be taken into consideration.

How Much Does a Pigeon Cost

Different Types Of Pigeon Cost

BreedPrice Range
African Owls$125 to $175
American Show Racers$85 to $150
Blondinettes$250 to $350
Bokhara Trumpeters$225 to $325
Capuchines$85 to $150
Dragoons$85 to $125
English Tumpeters$125 to $200
English Tumblers$175 to $250
Fantails$75 to $125
Flights$75 to $100
Gaditano Pouters$250 to $325
Helmets$75 to $125
Highflyers$50 to $80
Homers$150 to $250
Hungarian House Pigeons$250 to $325
Indian Fantails$125 to $175
Jacobins$125 to $175
Modenas$100 to $175
Nuns$125 to $175
Pouters$175 to $225
Racing Homers$40 to $80
Rollers$40 to $85
Satinettes$250 to $350
Scandaroons$175 to $225
Show King$85 to $150
Show Tipplers$85 to $150
Squabbing$50 to $125
Strassers$150 to $225
Tipplers$40 to $85

What Are The Extra Costs

Before purchasing pigeons from a breeder, it’s important to consider the costs involved. Many breeders require a minimum purchase of four to eight birds, so be sure to check the seller’s policy beforehand. Additionally, shipping fees can start at $75, and a shipping container fee may apply.

Reputable breeders will often include a health certificate, but if the bird requires vaccinations, there may be additional fees. It’s also important to factor in future medication and vet visits.

To properly house your pigeons, a loft or coop is required, which can cost around $300 or more depending on the number of birds you have and where it’s purchased from. Food costs can also add up to $10 to $20 per month for a few birds.

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Overall, it’s important to carefully consider the costs and responsibilities involved in owning pigeons before making a purchase.

Tips to Know

When purchasing birds, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure their health and well-being.

Pet Insurance

If you plan on having your birds shipped, it’s a good idea to invest in pet insurance. This way, if any health issues arise within the first 90 days of ownership, you can get your money back. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your pets’ health.

Breeder Experience

When selecting a breeder, it’s essential to research their experience and reputation. Experienced breeders are more likely to produce higher quality birds that are bred with the right mix. Poor breeding practices can lead to unhealthy birds, so it’s crucial to choose a breeder with a good track record.


When considering ownership of pigeons, it is recommended to opt for those that have been bred, rather than wild pigeons.

Wild pigeons often carry diseases that can be harmful to both the birds and their owners. By selecting bred pigeons, you can ensure that they are healthy and free from diseases.

How Can I Save Money?

When looking to adopt a bird, it’s a good idea to search for breeders online. Many breeders have their inventory available on their websites, making it easy to find the bird you want.

When considering getting a bird as a pet, it may be cost-effective to try to find a local adoption option. If that is not possible, it is recommended to research and compare at least three online breeders to ensure a fair price.

End of Season Sales

Consider looking for birds at the end of a shipping season. During certain periods, breeders may sell birds at discounted prices to clear out excess inventory that was unable to be shipped. This can be a great opportunity to get a good deal on a bird you’ve been eyeing.

Bulk Discounts

Typically, when buying from breeders, there are bulk discounts available based on the number of birds purchased. If you are looking to purchase multiple birds, be sure to ask the breeder about any discounts they offer for bulk purchases. This can help you save money while still getting the birds you want.

How Much Does A Racing Pigeon Cost?

Pigeon racing is a unique and captivating sport that has captured global attention. The premise of racing homing pigeons to see which one can return home the fastest is intriguing and surprisingly thrilling. However, the high cost of entry and purchasing a well-trained pigeon can be daunting, with some birds selling for well over $1,500,000.

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Although they can be costly, these elite racing pigeons are typically purebred and have connections to reputable breeders or past championship birds.

Fortunately, it is still possible to participate in the sport without breaking the bank, as some racing pigeons can be purchased for as little as $100. Ultimately, a pigeon’s success in racing is highly dependent on good training and discipline, rather than just its breeding or cost.

Why Do Racing Pigeons Cost So Much?

Breeding high-quality racing pigeons is a costly and time-consuming process. Many high-cost racing pigeons are purposely bred from previous winning pigeons to create offspring with natural homing abilities. The high cost of breeding and the desirability of these pigeons contribute to their high price tag.

While it’s possible to find trustworthy racing pigeons for a lower price point of $150 to $300, these pigeons are unlikely to have descended from prize-winning birds. They can still be trained to improve their performance, but they may not have the natural abilities of their more expensive counterparts.

On the other hand, high-price racing pigeons are often multiple prize-winners themselves, already earning a reputation for their performance. This makes them a valuable investment for serious racing pigeon enthusiasts.

How Much Does An Average Pigeon Cost?

While many view pigeons as pests, they can make fantastic pets due to their loving and sociable nature. Pigeons are very affectionate and enjoy being around people, making them great companions. The cost of owning a pigeon can be influenced by factors such as the breeder and the age of the bird. Pigeons from less reputable breeders may be available for as little as $50 per bird, particularly if they are older.

However, high-class breeders can charge between $400 and $1,000 for their pigeons, and showing pigeons with beautiful feather coats and strong physiology can be even more expensive. Overall, the cost of owning a pigeon as a pet can vary greatly, but their loving and sociable nature makes them a great addition to any household.

Additional Costs of Pigeon Ownership

Owning pigeons comes with additional costs that should be considered before purchasing a bird. The cost of feeding, housing, and veterinary care for your pigeon can quickly add up over time. It is important to factor these costs into your budget when deciding on which type of pet you would like to adopt.

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Pigeon ownership also requires some additional knowledge and understanding of their needs. While pigeons are naturally social animals, like all pets, they require adequate attention and care to thrive in a home environment. Owners should also be aware of the local laws and regulations governing pigeon ownership as these can vary from place to place. It is important to familiarize yourself with your city or state’s required guidelines

Factors that Affect the Cost of a Pigeon

The cost of a pigeon is determined by a variety of factors such as breed and quality, age, performance history, and pedigree. Pigeons bred for the purpose of racing or showing typically come from reputable breeders and cost more than your average pet bird.

Racing pigeons with established pedigrees and prized lineage are often more expensive than younger birds without any experience. The cost of a pigeon can also be affected by the quality of its feathers, the size of its wingspan, and its overall health.

Is it Worth the Investment?

The cost of owning a racing pigeon can be expensive, but for some, it’s a worthwhile investment. High-end racing pigeons are often bred from several generations of award-winning birds, giving them natural homing instincts and the ability to soar faster than average pigeons. These birds may also have larger wingspans and more vibrant feather colors that can make them more desirable.

Owning a racing pigeon requires commitment and dedication in order to ensure their health and well-being. They need adequate nutrition, housing, and exercise in order to thrive. Additionally, time should be taken to train them properly in order for them to reach their full potential on the race track. This can involve training with specialized equipment such as timers and electronic clocks or flying machines.


Are Pigeons Good Pets?

Pigeons can make great pets due to their calm demeanor and low-maintenance needs. However, they do require ample space, which can be costly. To keep your pet pigeon comfortable, you will need to invest in a suitably sized cage. This will provide them with a safe and comfortable space to rest and sleep.

Do Pigeons Like To Be Held?

Research has shown that domesticated pigeons, especially those kept as pets, tend to respond positively to physical touch and find comfort in being held by their owners. They are very affectionate birds, which makes them great pets for those who enjoy spending time with their feathered friends.


The price of a pigeon can fluctuate based on factors such as breed, age, and geographic location. But one thing is for sure: the joy and companionship that a pigeon can bring into your life is priceless. Whether you’re looking to keep them as pets, use them for racing or breeding, or simply enjoy their company, a pigeon is a wonderful addition to any household.

So go ahead, find your perfect pigeon, and enjoy the feathered friend of a lifetime!

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.