How To Get A Pigeon To Trust You?

Pigeons are intelligent and social birds that can be found in many urban environments. If you’re interested in gaining the trust of these feathered friends, there are several approaches you can take to build a bond with them. By understanding their behavior and needs, you can create a positive and trusting relationship with pigeons.

Steps To Get A Pigeon To Trust You

  • 1. Show up at the Same Spot Regularly
  • 2. Hold Your Arms Out
  • 3. Move Slowly Towards Them While Holding Out Food
  • 4. Approach Slowly
  • 5. Feed them Regularly
How To Get A Pigeon To Trust You

How To Get A Pigeon To Trust You

Gaining a pigeon’s trust requires patience and a step-by-step approach. Here is a complete process to befriend a pigeon:

Step 1: Show up at the Same Spot Regularly

To gain a pigeon’s trust, consistently show up at the same spot. Pigeons are creatures of habit and will feel more comfortable if they see you regularly in their territory. Visit in the morning when the sun is shining brightly for a secure environment.

Step 2: Hold Your Arms Out

To capture their attention, hold your arms out like a scarecrow. Pigeons will observe you from nearby tree branches, walls, or roofs. Be prepared for an audience while performing this action.

Step 3: Move Slowly Towards Them While Holding Out Food

Once the pigeon starts feeling more at ease, offer them food. Hold small amounts of food or bread crumbs and gradually approach the pigeon. Move slowly to avoid scaring them away and entice them to come closer.

Step 4: Approach Slowly

As the pigeon becomes comfortable with your presence, approach them slowly without extending your hand. Sit near the bird and enjoy the moment without causing them fear or distress. It’s okay if they fly off to a nearby tree branch; never force them to stay with you.

Step 5: Feed them Regularly

Once trust is established, feed the pigeon regularly. Instead of randomly throwing food, place it on a flat surface so they can easily access it. After two to three days of feeding in this manner, gradually start offering food from your hand. This signifies trust, and they will soon eat from your palm without hesitation.

Remember to never abuse their trust by harming or shooing them away. Treat pigeons with respect, and they will maintain their trust in humans.

Signs That A Pigeon Trusts Someone

There are several signs that indicate a pigeon trusts someone. First, the pigeon will not fly away and allow the person to approach without any fear. Second, the pigeon may feel comfortable enough to perch on the person’s shoulder or head. Additionally, the pigeon may make cooing sounds or soft noises when it is around the person it trusts.

How Long Does It Take For A Pigeon To Trust You

Building trust with a pigeon takes time and patience. It can take anywhere from seven days to a month for a pigeon to trust you. It’s important to approach them calmly and avoid sudden movements that might startle them. Offering food can help create a positive association and encourage the pigeon to feel more comfortable around you.

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Consistency is key, so spending regular time near the pigeon, offering food, and speaking softly will gradually establish familiarity and trust. Allow the pigeon to approach you at its own pace and avoid forcing interactions. By being consistent and gentle, you can build a sense of trust and companionship with the pigeon over time.

Tips to Get a Pigeon to Trust You

To build trust with pigeons, follow these top tips:

1. Be Patient and Calm: Pigeons are more likely to trust you if you approach them calmly and patiently. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may startle or scare them away.

2. Avoid Bringing Children: Children’s excitement and energy can often scare pigeons. It’s best to go on your own or with calm, adult companions when trying to gain a pigeon’s trust.

3. Offer Food: Carry food with you to attract pigeons. Sprinkle it around you and in your designated area to entice them to come closer.

4. Sit Still: To make pigeons feel comfortable, sit quietly without moving too much. This allows them to approach and feed without feeling threatened.

5. Gain Their Trust: Once pigeons start to trust you, try placing some food in your hand. Be patient, as it may take time for them to approach. Avoid sudden movements that may cause them to fly away.

6. Petting Pigeons: Once a pigeon feels comfortable enough to eat from your hand, you can try gently stroking their chest with a finger. This can help strengthen the bond between you.

7. Expand Your Comfort Zone: To deepen your connection with the pigeons, try placing some food on your shoulders or legs and remain still. This will help them view you as a non-threatening presence and recognize you from a distance.

8. Helping Injured Pigeons: Pigeons are intelligent enough to seek help if injured. If you have gained their trust, they may approach you for assistance. They may even allow you to stroke them as you help them.

By following these tips, you can gradually earn the trust of pigeons and build a positive relationship with them.


Can pigeons recognize individual humans?

Yes, pigeons have the ability to recognize individual humans based on their appearance and behavior. They can differentiate between friendly and threatening individuals, showing an impressive level of perception.

Should I attempt to touch or handle pigeons to gain their trust?

It is generally not recommended to try to touch or handle pigeons to gain their trust. This can cause them distress and potential harm. It’s better to focus on building trust through positive reinforcement and creating a non-threatening presence.

Can I train pigeons to come to me on command?

Yes, pigeons can be trained to come to you on command, but it takes time, patience, and knowledge of bird training techniques. It would be beneficial to consult with an avian behavior specialist for guidance on how to train pigeons in this manner.

Can pigeons be trained to perform tricks like other domesticated birds?

Pigeons are not usually trained to perform tricks like other domesticated birds. Instead, their natural abilities in homing and navigation are often harnessed for specific purposes, such as homing or racing. However, with positive reinforcement and training techniques, some pigeons may be able to learn basic tricks.

What should I do if I am being followed by a pigeon?

If you find yourself being followed by a pigeon, there are a few things you can try to do. First, try to walk quickly or run to create distance between you and the pigeon. If the pigeon continues to follow you, you can try to scare it away by waving your arms or making a loud noise. If these methods don’t work, you can try to catch the pigeon and release it outside to ensure it doesn’t continue to follow you.

How can I differentiate between wild and domesticated pigeons?

To differentiate between wild and domesticated pigeons, you can look at their appearance, behavior, habitat, and whether they have leg bands. Domesticated pigeons tend to have a wider range of colors and patterns, with distinct markings. Wild pigeons are more skittish and wary of humans, while domesticated pigeons may be more comfortable with human interaction. Wild pigeons are commonly found in urban areas and open spaces, while domesticated pigeons are often kept in lofts or aviaries. Some domesticated pigeons may wear leg bands or tags for identification.

Do pigeons like to be petted?

Some tamed pigeons may enjoy being petted by their owners, as they are more accustomed to human interaction. However, both tamed and wild pigeons may become aggressive or try to fly away when approached, so it is important to take precautions when attempting to pet a pigeon.

Are pigeons carriers of diseases?

Pigeons can carry diseases and parasites, just like many other birds. However, the risk of contracting a disease from pigeons is generally low for the general population. It’s important to practice good hygiene when handling pigeons or their droppings. If you have concerns about diseases or parasites, it’s best to consult a veterinarian or public health professional for guidance.

How to make a pigeon feel safe?

To make a pigeon feel safe, provide them with a suitable habitat like a coop or aviary. Give them space and time to adjust to you. Offer a balanced diet and maintain a clean and comfortable environment. Consider providing companionship if possible. Remember, pigeons are cautious animals, so it may take time for them to feel comfortable around new people or environments. Observe their behavior and adjust accordingly.

How to make pigeon come to you?

To attract a pigeon to you, try providing food and being patient. Speak softly and offer hand feeding to earn the pigeon’s trust. Using positive reinforcement and creating a safe environment can also help. Remember that pigeons are cautious animals and it may take time for them to feel comfortable around you. Each pigeon is unique, so make sure to observe their behavior and adjust your approach accordingly.

What do pigeons like to play with?

Pigeons don’t have specific preferences for inanimate objects to play with. However, they may enjoy playing with items like feathers, yarn, or colored paper strips. Providing these items can offer entertainment and stimulation for pigeons.

Do pigeons bite?

Pigeons usually do not bite humans unless they are in a situation where they feel threatened or severely provoked. If you treat them with kindness and provide them with food, they will not only tolerate your presence but may even show affection in return.


In conclusion, gaining a pigeon’s trust takes patience, consistency, and respect for their natural behaviors. By providing a safe and reliable food source, spending time near their environment without making sudden movements, and speaking to them in a calm and soothing manner, you can start to build a bond of trust with these intelligent and social birds.

It’s important to remember that each pigeon is an individual, and they may require different amounts of time and effort to feel comfortable around you. By approaching them with kindness and understanding, you can establish a meaningful connection that benefits both you and the pigeons.

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.