How To Keep Pigeons Away From Bird Feeders?

To keep pigeons away from bird feeders, you can take a few different measures. One option is to purchase a bird feeder designed to deter pigeons, typically with a small opening that pigeons cannot access. Adding a baffle to the bird feeder is another effective method. A baffle is a piece of hardware attached to the top or bottom of the feeder to make it difficult for pigeons to access the food.

Following methods that can help you protect your Feeders from pigeons:

  1. Keep Your Garden and the Ground Under Your Feeders Clean.
  2. Feed the Pigeons in a Different Area.
  3. Choose the Right Bird Feeder.
  4. Use Physical Deterrents.
  5. Put Out Bird Food That Pigeons Don’t Like.
  6. Deter Pigeons From Roosting and Nesting on Your Property.
  7. Install a Sound Deterrent.
  8. Make Use of Water Sprinklers or Sprayers.
  9. Use Decoy or Scare Devices and Reflectors.
  10. Make a Homemade Pigeon Proof Spray.
How To Keep Pigeons Away From Bird Feeders

1. Keep Your Garden and the Ground Under Your Feeders Clean:

Regularly clean up spilled seeds and keep the area under the feeders free from food sources to discourage pigeons from foraging.

2. Feed the Pigeons in a Different Area:

Set up a separate feeding area for pigeons away from your regular bird feeders to minimize their presence.

3. Choose the Right Bird Feeder:

Use weight-activated or tube feeders that are unappealing to pigeons, and remove ground-level feeding sources.

4. Use Physical Deterrents:

Install wire mesh, netting, or elevated feeders with small or slippery perches to restrict pigeon access.

5. Put Out Bird Food That Pigeons Don’t Like:

Provide food such as suet, peanuts, Nyjer seeds, and mealworms that are unattractive to pigeons.

6. Deter Pigeons From Roosting and Nesting on Your Property:

Prevent pigeons from roosting and nesting by installing roosting spikes, sealing entry points, and using bird gels.

7. Install a Sound Deterrent:

Utilize ultrasonic bird repellents in combination with other methods to deter pigeons.

8. Make Use of Water Sprinklers or Sprayers:

Set up motion-activated sprinklers near bird feeders to startle pigeons.

9. Use Decoy or Scare Devices and Reflectors:

Place scare devices like fake predators or reflective objects near the feeders to deter pigeons.

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10. Make a Homemade Pigeon Proof Spray:

Create a DIY spray using strong spices like black pepper, cayenne pepper, and chili powder to deter pigeons from landing on certain surfaces.

How To Get Rid Of Pigeons But Not Other Birds?

Getting rid of pigeons but not other birds can be a challenge, but several methods can help you achieve this. One way to do this is by using physical deterrents, such as installing wire mesh or netting around bird feeders or erecting roosting spikes on surfaces where pigeons may perch.

  1. Use a Tube Feeder: This type of feeder allows small birds to access food from the side of the tube while making it difficult for larger birds like pigeons to perch on the bottom.
  2. Use Bird Spikes: Plastic bird spikes placed on fences, gates, and other surfaces deter pigeons from gathering in your garden without affecting other bird species.
  3. Choice of Food: Offer bird food that pigeons do not like, such as sunflower seeds, suet balls, and nyjer seeds, to discourage them from visiting your feeders.
  4. Use Suet Feeders: Suet fat ball feeders are appreciated by other bird species but are unappealing to pigeons, making them a great way to prevent pigeon invasion.
  5. Feed Pigeons Separately: Set up a separate feeding area for pigeons using their preferred seeds to keep them away from smaller birds visiting your garden.
  6. Use Sticks: Insert sticks through the cage of a bird feeder at random angles to prevent pigeons from approaching and getting food, while allowing small birds to eat undisturbed.

What Can You Do To Keep Pigeons Away From Bird Feeders?

To keep pigeons away from your bird feeder, there are several steps you can take. First, make sure to use a birdseed mix that does not contain grains that pigeons like. You can find special bird food mixes designed to be unappealing to pigeons at your local pet or hardware store.

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Additionally, try placing the bird feeder in an area that pigeons can’t easily access, such as hanging it from a tree branch or placing it on a pedestal. Adding a baffle to the top of the feeder can also make it difficult for pigeons to land and eat. Another option is to use a bird feeder with a weight-activated perch that closes the opening when a pigeon tries to land on it.

If these methods do not work, you can use a bird-repellent spray containing ingredients that pigeons don’t like, such as capsaicin or naphthalene. These can be found at your local hardware or home improvement store. With these efforts, you can keep pigeons away from your bird feeder and enjoy watching your backyard birds in peace.


Is it safe to use pigeon repellents around birds?

Pigeon gel repellents can pose risks to other bird species due to the chemicals they contain. Chemical-based repellents can lead to toxic exposure or contaminate food sources. It is important to choose bird gels with non-toxic ingredients and without polybutylene, which can stick to the bird’s feathers.

Why Do You Need To Keep Pigeons Away From Bird Feeders?

Pigeons are not native to North America and are considered an invasive species. They can compete with other birds for food, roosting, and nesting sites, and can transmit diseases to other birds.

How Can You Keep Pigeons Away From Bird Feeders?

You can keep pigeons away from bird feeders by making the feeders inaccessible to them. This can be done by hanging the feeders from a wire or pole, mounting them on a structure pigeons cannot land on, or using a feeder with a baffle to keep pigeons out.

How do pigeons affect bird feeders?

Pigeons are large birds that can dominate bird feeders, scaring away smaller birds and consuming a substantial amount of birdseed. Their presence often deters other species from feeding.

Will scare tactics like visual deterrents or noisemakers work against pigeons?

Pigeons can become accustomed to static scare devices over time. Dynamic deterrents, such as reflective objects or wind-activated noise makers, might be more effective as they continuously change and startle pigeons.

Does altering the feeder’s setup help in deterring pigeons?

Yes, modifying the feeder setup by adjusting perches to be shorter or using baffles above or below the feeder can make it less accessible to pigeons while allowing smaller birds to access the feed.

Can the type of birdseed used make a difference in deterring pigeons?

Yes, opting for seeds less preferred by pigeons, like Nyjer (thistle) seeds or safflower seeds, can reduce pigeon attraction to the feeder. Pigeons typically favor larger seeds like corn or millet.

Are there natural methods to keep pigeons away from bird feeders?

Using natural deterrents such as chili pepper flakes mixed with the seed or applying spicy bird feeder guards can deter pigeons due to their aversion to the spicy scent and taste.


The best way to keep pigeons away from bird feeders is to put the bird feeders in an area where the pigeons cannot reach them. Another way to keep pigeons away from bird feeders is to put a net around the bird feeders so the pigeons cannot get to the bird feeders.

If you’re hoping to keep pigeons away from your bird feeders, there are a few things you can do. One is to make sure the feeders are elevated off the ground, as pigeons are ground feeders. Another is to use a baffle, which is a barrier that surrounds the feeder and prevents birds from landing on it. Finally, you can try using a feeder that has a small opening, as pigeons have difficulty reaching their heads inside.

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.