Does Rain Affect Pigeons?

Pigeons are generally tolerant of light rain and may even enjoy it as an opportunity to bathe and clean their feathers. They have natural waterproofing in their feathers that helps protect their skin from getting wet and cold.

However, when the rain becomes heavy and frequent, it can pose challenges for pigeons. The feathers can become soaked, making it difficult for them to regulate their body temperature and limiting their ability to fly. It is important to provide shelter for pigeons during heavy rain to ensure their well-being.

Does Rain Affect Pigeons

Do Pigeons Like To Get Wet

Rain showers provide pigeons with a natural bath, and they often become excited when the water droplets fall on their bodies. They actively seek out places where raindrops hit higher surfaces and choose to sit there to enjoy the sensation. This experience creates a pleasant feeling for them as they receive the moving water droplets on their feathers.

Additionally, after a heavy storm, pigeons may become more vocal because there is an abundance of food available. Many insects come out after the storm, providing the pigeons with ample opportunities to eat.

Reasons Why Pigeons Sit Out In The Rain

There are several reasons why pigeons may sit out in the rain:

1. Conserve Energy

Pigeons need low atmospheric pressure on their wings to fly efficiently. Rain reduces air density, making it harder for them to generate enough lift. By sitting out in the rain, pigeons conserve their energy until the rain stops and they can resume flying.

2. Clean their Feathers

Feathers are essential for pigeons’ flight, and they need to keep them clean to maintain optimal flying conditions. Rain helps wash away dust and dirt particles that may have accumulated on their feathers, allowing them to stay clean and functional.

3. Enjoyment

Pigeons are known to enjoy the rain. They often sit out in open places, moving their feathers rapidly and lifting their wings to fully immerse themselves in the raindrops. It is a way for them to relax, stretch their bodies, and have fun.

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4. Remove Parasites

Pigeons can carry parasites on their bodies, such as mites. Sitting out in the rain and flapping their feathers vigorously helps minimize the number of parasites on their bodies. The water helps wash away these parasites, reducing the risk of infestation and potential health issues for the pigeons.

Is Raining Dangerous For Pigeons

During the summer, regular rain showers typically do not harm pigeons or their nests. However, thunderstorms can be detrimental to the cage’s netting and can destroy eggs and baby pigeons. While normal rain does not harm pigeons, it can actually provide them with a refreshing experience.

Pigeons enjoy getting fresh and clean in the rain. However, excessive exposure to windy conditions during the rainy season can pose problems for pigeons. It’s important to ensure they have shelter or a protected area during strong winds to prevent any potential issues.

Does Raining Affect Pigeons In The Winter Season

During the winter season, it is important to protect your pigeons from the cold weather, just like we take measures to protect ourselves. If the temperature drops below 50 Fahrenheit in your area, it is recommended to cover the pigeon cage, especially if they are in a net cage.

Some pigeon owners opt for wooden or concrete cages, which provide additional insulation and protection during the winter season. Taking these precautions will help ensure the well-being and comfort of your pigeons during colder temperatures.


Why do pigeons like the rain?

Pigeons enjoy the rain because it serves as a natural way for them to clean themselves and preen their feathers. It’s like a bird version of taking a shower. Doves and Woodpigeons particularly love sitting in the rain and using the wetness to groom themselves.

Why do pigeons not take cover in rain?

Pigeons do not take cover in the rain because they are well adapted to dealing with it. Their feathers are designed to shed water and keep their bodies relatively dry. Pigeons can also regulate their body temperature and stay warm even when wet. Unlike humans, pigeons do not need to seek shelter in the rain to stay comfortable.

Do all birds fly in the rain?

Birds are generally able to fly in light drizzle, but they prefer to seek shelter during prolonged, heavy rain. They will stay still and find cover in bushes, trees, under eaves, or in hollow trees until the rain subsides. However, if the rain continues for more than a day, birds may need to brave the weather in order to find food.

Can my pigeons fly in the rain?

Pigeons can fly in light rain, but they may prefer to wait until the rain stops before taking flight. Stormy weather can affect their ability to navigate accurately. Woodpigeons, on the other hand, don’t seem to mind the rain and can be observed sitting in the open, lifting one wing at a time as if showering.

Why Do Pigeons Sit Out in the Rain?

Pigeons sit out in the rain for various reasons. They enjoy the rain, conserve energy, and clean their feathers from dirt. If they have mites, sitting in the rain helps remove parasites from their body. Pigeons also play with other birds, open their wings, and even roll in water to get completely wet. However, water does not soak into their feathers, so they open their feathers and keep them in an upward direction to soak their bodies.

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How do pigeons sit in the rain?

Pigeons adopt various postures when sitting in the rain to show their happiness. They typically keep their bodies upright and fold their necks while sitting in an open area to get wet. They position their beaks upward so that water drops slide off. In colder rain, they may shrink their bodies to keep warm. If the rain is heavy, they seek shelter in bushes or trees to protect their bodies and feathers.

What type of pigeons like to sit out in the rain?

All types of pigeons, whether they are pet or wild, enjoy sitting out in the rain. They find it refreshing and it improves their mood. However, they tend to prefer sitting in light rain rather than heavy rainfall. They may make loud sounds and enjoy the water droplets coming from the sky. In heavy storms, pigeons usually wait for the rain to subside before flying efficiently.

Is it possible for pigeons to fly in the rain?

Pigeons can fly in the rain, but they typically prefer not to unless there is an urgent need. Their feathers are somewhat waterproof due to the preen oil on them, but flying in dense air requires extra energy and can cause heat loss. Pigeons have flight feathers that they use to push against the air, and they do not cover themselves with these feathers. Instead, water slides off their feathers, preventing it from being absorbed into their bodies.


In conclusion, while rain may not have a significant impact on pigeons, it’s always fascinating to explore the unique behaviors of these feathered creatures. Whether they seek shelter or embrace the rain, pigeons continue to captivate us with their resilience and adaptability.

So the next time it rains, take a moment to observe these remarkable birds and appreciate the beauty of nature’s influence on their lives.

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.