What Kind of Pigeons Cage is Better

For pigeons, it is recommended to have a cage that is at least 42″ wide, 27″ deep, and 30″ high for one or two mated pigeons. If you have doves, a cage that is 32″ wide, 32″ high, and 21″ deep is suitable for one or two doves.

The bottom of the cage should be covered with a material that is easy to clean, such as wood, linoleum, plastic, or a cut-to-size yoga mat, to ensure the comfort of the pigeons or doves.

What Kind of Pigeons Cage is Better

Types Of Pigeon Cages

When it comes to pigeon cages, there are two types: a concrete cage and a wooden cage.

1. Concrete Cage

A concrete cage is made using bricks, cement, and concrete. It offers several benefits, such as providing a cool environment during the summer and keeping the pigeons safe during thunderstorms. For ventilation, you can add a wire net window and door. Additionally, you can create pigeon compartments using bricks and concrete or incorporate wooden boxes into the cage.

The longevity of a concrete cage is greater compared to a wooden cage, although it may be more expensive. However, by making this investment, you can expect the cage to last for about 15 years or more. Over time, you may need to perform maintenance tasks such as repainting or filling cracks, but the durability of the concrete and brick construction will make it worth the cost.

2. Wooden Cage

The type of pigeon cage I opted for at home is a wooden cage. It is a cost-effective option that is quick to build and easy to maintain. It took only a couple of days to construct. The wooden cage consists of a wooden structure with wire netting covering the rest of the cage.

In most cases, the roof of the wooden cage is not covered with wood or any other material, but instead, wire netting is used to allow the pigeons to sunbathe while inside the cage. Pigeons enjoy sunbathing in both summer and winter.

However, it should be noted that wooden cages may not be as reliable during the winter season, especially in areas where temperatures drop below freezing. To ensure the pigeons’ safety during winter and thunderstorms, it is recommended to cover the wooden cage with a heavy cloth or sheet. This will help protect the pigeons from the cold weather and adverse conditions.

Overall, both concrete and wooden cages have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to choose the type of cage that best suits your needs and the well-being of your pigeons.

Do I Keep My Pigeons Indoors Or Outdoors

Both pigeons and doves can be kept both indoors and outdoors. However, if they are kept outside, they need to be protected from predators. It is not recommended to keep just one bird outside alone, as they are flock birds and can become lonely and tired.

If you only have one dove or pigeon, it is best to keep them indoors where they can bond with their human caretakers. If birds are kept outside, they should be housed in sturdy cages with narrow spacing between the bars and a raccoon-proof latch. It is always best to consult a professional for advice if you are unsure.

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Indoor birds can be housed in a suitable cage kept in a safe area and should be allowed regular time outside the cage for exercise. It is not safe to allow pigeons and doves to fly outside in the wild, as they are vulnerable to predators.

How Big Should A Cage Be For Pigeons

The size of a pigeon cage should be spacious enough to allow the birds to move around comfortably. It is recommended to get a cage that is at least 42 inches wide, 27 inches deep, and 30 inches high for one or two pigeons.

For one or two doves, the cage should be at least 32 inches wide, 32 inches high, and 21 inches deep. The length and width of the cage are more important than the height, as pigeons do not climb.

Factors to Consider About Pigeon Cage

When setting up a cage for pigeons and doves, it’s important to have a flat surface at the bottom that is easy to clean. You can either buy a cage with this feature or create it yourself. Avoid using metal wires for them to stand on as it can be uncomfortable and harmful to their feet.

Instead, include shelves in the cage to provide more options for them to fly and hang on. Adding a mirror, weighted basket, dish for bathing, and food and water bowls is also necessary. Place the cage in a bright area as these birds have limited vision and make sure they have access to unfiltered sunlight.

Avoid secluded areas and keep them around the family. Fresh air is good, but be cautious of potential hazards in your home, especially in the kitchen, like the stove. Monitor ceiling fans and open windows as well.

Additionally, the cage should be predator-proof, making sure other animals cannot access it. If the cage is outdoors, take precautions to protect the birds from wild predators.

Can I Use A Dog Crate To House Pigeons

You can use a large dog crate to house your pigeons and doves indoors, as long as you don’t have other animals in the home. However, if you plan to keep the birds outdoors, you’ll need a cage with bars that are closer together to protect them from predators.

Predators like cats, hawks, ravens, raccoons, and rats can easily harm pigeons and doves in crates or cages with widely spaced bars. If you have other pets like cats and dogs, you’ll need a cage with close bars to keep them out. Be cautious that not all indoor cages are sturdy enough to protect your birds from wild predators.

Aviaries For Outdoor Use

An aviary that is specifically designed to house pigeons or doves and is predator and rodent-proof can be safely used outdoors. It is important to keep the latches closed at all times and ensure they are secure enough to prevent predators from entering.

However, it is important to note that there are bird aviaries that may not be suitable for housing pigeons and doves due to the spacing of the bars. As long as your aviary is safe and secure for your birds, it can be a great option for housing multiple birds without the need for multiple cages.

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There are also flight cages available that are spacious enough for birds to fly and get exercise. These can be kept outdoors without any issues as long as they are suitable for your birds.


Can I put my pigeon in a small cage?

No, it is not recommended to put your pigeons or doves in a small cage. They need enough space to move around and a small cage may restrict their movement. Even if they fit inside the cage, it doesn’t mean it is a suitable size for them to live in. It is important to provide them with enough space to roam around, especially if there is more than one bird in the cage.

Can I stack my pigeon cages?

Yes, you can stack pigeon cages as long as you do it safely and securely. It’s important to make sure the cages are stable and won’t topple over. To ensure this, consider purchasing cages that are designed to be stacked. These cages usually have a secure slotting system. You can find stacking bird cages online or at pet stores.

Can I put pigeons in a parrot cage?

A parrot cage can be used to house one or two doves and pigeons indoors. However, it is not safe for outdoor use as the bars are spaced too far apart. It is important to have a flat and easy to clean surface for them to stand on, as the bare wires may cause discomfort. Make sure there are no other pets that could harm the birds if using a parrot cage for housing pigeons or doves indoors.

Can I use any outdoor cage for my pigeons?

No, not all outdoor cages are suitable for housing pigeons. When selecting a cage for pigeons, it’s important to choose one that will keep them safe from predators. This means the cage should have closely spaced bars, raccoon-proof latches on all doors, and a secure bottom. If you don’t take these precautions, you could put your pigeons at risk.

Do I need a raccoon proof latch on my cage?

Yes, it is a good idea to have a raccoon proof latch on your bird cage if you are keeping it outdoors or have other pets in your home. Raccoons are known to be intelligent and can potentially figure out how to undo regular latches, putting your birds at risk. A raccoon proof latch will help ensure the safety and security of your feathered friends.

Do pigeons need perches and toys?

Pigeons do not need perches, but they do need shelves to rest on. Perches are not suitable for them. For toys, consider providing forage toys that include a food reward that they have to work for. Pigeons also enjoy bathing, so providing a shallow bath for them is a good idea. In addition to toys, make sure to let them have daily exercise outside of their cage, unless they are in an aviary.

What is a pigeon cage called?

A pigeon cage is commonly referred to as a pigeon loft or coop. These are specifically designed structures for housing pigeons, which may include designated breeding areas. Pigeon lofts or coops can be located indoors or outdoors, with indoor options often being flight cages or dog kennels. Outdoor options typically consist of aviaries, where multiple pigeons can be housed together. It is important to ensure that the pigeon loft or coop is predator-proof to protect the birds from larger predatory birds, rodents, and other predatory animals.

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Are pigeons happy in a cage?

Pigeons are not happy when kept in a cage alone. They thrive in environments where they have companionship, whether it’s another bird or a human. Pigeons can also coexist peacefully with other pets like dogs and cats as long as they are kept safe. It’s important to provide them with social interaction and a stimulating environment to ensure their well-being.

What do pigeons like in their cage?

Pigeons like a rectangular cage that is partially enclosed and has no holes long enough for them to stick their heads through. The bottom of the cage should be covered with paper or grassy sod so they have something to walk on. It’s important to keep the cage in a bright area, but avoid placing it in direct sunlight.

What is the best pigeon cage setup?

The best pigeon cage setup is a rectangular cage that is partially enclosed. Make sure there are no holes in the cage that are long enough for the pigeon to stick its head through. Cover the bottom of the cage with paper or grassy sod to provide a comfortable surface for the pigeon to walk on. Place the cage in a bright area, but avoid direct sunlight.

Can you keep a pigeon without a cage?

While it is not recommended to keep a pigeon without a cage, you can give them plenty of time outside of their cage if they are kept as indoor pets. Outdoor pigeons can also enjoy spending time with you in their spacious aviaries. It is important to provide them with a safe and secure environment.

What do caged pigeons eat?

Caged pigeons should be fed pellets as the main component of their diet. Pellets should make up about 50% of their diet, and they should also be given small amounts of seeds and fresh produce. It’s recommended to offer finely chopped vegetables and greens, as well as a smaller amount of fruit, as part of their daily diet.


In conclusion, when considering what kind of pigeon cage is better, it’s important to prioritize the needs and well-being of the pigeons. Both indoor and outdoor cages have their advantages and disadvantages, but ultimately, the main factor to consider is the space and comfort provided for the pigeons. Outdoor cages can offer more space and natural light, while indoor cages provide better protection from the elements and predators.

It’s also essential to consider the practicality and maintenance of the cage. Easy cleaning and accessibility for feeding and watering are crucial for the health and happiness of the pigeons. Additionally, the durability and security of the cage are important for the safety of the pigeons.

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of pigeonsmatter.com. I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.