Should You Keep Pigeons’ Cage Indoor or Outdoor?

Pigeons can be kept both indoors and outdoors, but they prefer living outside. It is recommended to build an enclosure or loft for them. Pigeons are social birds and should be housed in pairs or groups. They can be kept indoors in a large cage or outdoors in a loft or aviary. Make sure to provide natural perches of different widths and textures to exercise their feet and prevent pressure sores.

Should You Keep Pigeons’ Cage Indoor or Outdoor

Pigeons as Pets in an Outdoor Aviary

When caring for rescued pigeons, it’s important to provide them with a safe and comfortable aviary. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Predator-Proof Aviary

The aviary should be securely built to protect the pigeons from predators such as hawks and cats. Ensure that the structure is sturdy and covers all sides, including the top and bottom. This will prevent any unwanted access to the pigeons.

2. Rodent-Proof Design

To keep rodents out, use hardware mesh with openings half an inch or smaller. This will prevent mice and other small animals from entering the aviary. Using 16 gauge or better hardware mesh is recommended for its durability.

3. Sheltered Corner

Include a sheltered corner within the aviary to provide shade on hot days and keep the pigeons dry during rainy weather. This will create a comfortable environment for them to rest and protect themselves from extreme conditions.

4. Size of the Aviary

It’s important to provide enough space for the pigeons to move around and engage in their natural behaviors. A minimum size for four birds would be 6 feet long, 4 feet deep, and 6 feet high. However, if possible, make the aviary as big as possible to ensure the pigeons have ample room to fly and forage.

5. Pigeon Activities

Pigeons enjoy engaging in various activities, including bathing, preening, lounging in the sun, foraging for seeds, watching the sky, napping, showing off, and courting. Ensure that the aviary design allows for these activities by incorporating perches, bathing areas, and space to move around freely.

6. Breeding and Family Life

Pigeons form strong bonds with their mates and are devoted to their families. Every four to five weeks, mated couples will lay a pair of eggs. To control the pigeon population, replace these eggs with fake ones to prevent hatching. Providing nesting areas within the aviary will allow them to engage in their natural breeding behaviors.

7. Maintenance and Cleaning

Daily tasks include providing fresh food and water for the pigeons and promptly cleaning up their droppings. A quick poop-scrape should be done daily, and a thorough cleaning of the aviary should be done weekly to maintain hygiene.

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8. Hand-Taming and Befriending

With time and attention, most rescued pigeons can be hand-tamed. Take the time to familiarize yourself with each bird individually and build trust. Through patient and gentle interaction, you can create a bond with the pigeons and earn their trust.

By following these guidelines, you can create a charming, attractive, and safe aviary for the rescued pigeons under your care.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outdoor Pigeons’ Cage

Keeping pigeons in an outdoor cage can have both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that pigeons can enjoy sunbathing and have the freedom to fly away and return home. Additionally, keeping the cage outside helps to reduce the smell of pigeon droppings. However, it is still important to clean the cage regularly for the pigeons’ health.

On the downside, outdoor cages make pigeons more vulnerable to predators such as cats, foxes, eagles, and shikra. To address this concern, it is recommended to have a covered roof, especially if the cage is made of wood or has net wire. This provides an extra layer of protection for the pigeons.

Overall, the decision to keep pigeons in an outdoor cage should consider both the benefits and risks involved. Proper precautions and maintenance should be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the pigeons.

Pigeons as Indoor Pets

Pigeons can make great indoor pets and are capable of living harmoniously with humans and other animals. However, there are certain requirements that need to be met to ensure their well-being.

1. Cage Size and Out-of-Cage Time

Pigeons require a spacious cage, such as a double-flight cage or an extra large dog kennel, to serve as their home base. They should also be given daily out-of-cage time to stretch their wings and legs, as well as engage in activities that stimulate their minds. Pigeons are more inclined to walk than fly, so they will often explore their surroundings and choose specific spots to relax.

2. Living with Other Pets

Pigeons can coexist peacefully with other pets, including dogs and cats, as long as proper precautions are taken to ensure their safety. It is important to create an environment where the pigeon feels secure and protected from any potential harm. Supervision may be required during initial introductions to establish positive interactions between the pigeon and other pets.

3. Emotional Needs

Pigeons are highly emotional creatures and thrive when they have a companion. This can be another pigeon or a human caregiver who can provide companionship throughout the day. Leaving a pigeon alone in a cage for extended periods is not conducive to their well-being and can lead to unhappiness.

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Overall, providing a suitable living space, regular out-of-cage time, and companionship are key factors in ensuring the happiness and contentment of indoor pet pigeons.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Indoor Pigeons’ Cage

Keeping pigeons in an indoor pigeon cage can have both positive and negative aspects. While it may be necessary in certain situations such as extreme weather conditions or to protect them from predators, it is important to consider the impact on their health.

Pigeons require sunlight for their overall well-being and cutting off this source of natural light can have negative effects on their health and nourishment. If you have flying pigeons, keeping them indoors may not be practical as they need space to fly and exercise.

Before deciding on an indoor pigeon cage, it is recommended to consult with pigeon breeders or experts who can provide more insights and guidance. Additionally, if keeping them outdoors is not feasible, it is essential to ensure that the indoor cage has proper ventilation and provides adequate warmth during the winter months.

How To Maintain A Cage Or Aviary For Pigeons

To maintain a cage or aviary for pigeons, make sure to regularly clean any pigeon poop from the wooden or cement floor. Additionally, you can place slightly larger pebbles or rocks inside the cage for the pigeons to walk on. These pebbles should be larger than 3.81 cm or 1.5 inches.

If you’re constructing an aviary outside your home, it’s best to choose a cement floor to discourage predators from digging in. You can also use hardware mesh to cover the aviary, and then protect the mesh by adding drain rock or earth to protect the pigeons’ feet.

Where Do You Like to Keep Pigeons Cage

The choice of where to keep your pigeon’s cage is ultimately up to you. Some people prefer to keep their pigeons indoors, in a designated area such as a spare room or garage. This can provide better protection from predators and the elements. Others may choose to keep their pigeons outdoors, in a secure and spacious aviary.

This allows the pigeons to have more freedom and access to fresh air and natural sunlight. Whichever option you choose, make sure the cage or aviary is clean, well-ventilated, and provides enough space for the pigeons to move around comfortably.


What cage is best for a pigeon?

For a pigeon, it is best to have a spacious cage. The width and length of the cage are more important than the height, as pigeons and doves do not climb like parrots. A recommended minimum cage size for one or two mated pigeons is 42″ wide, 27″ deep, and 30″ high. For one or two doves, a cage size of 32″ wide, 32″ high, and 21″ deep is recommended.

Can you keep a pigeon without a cage?

While it is not recommended to keep a pigeon without a cage, you can give them plenty of time outside of their cage if they are indoor pets. Outdoor pigeons can also enjoy spending time with you in spacious aviaries. However, it is important to provide them with a safe and secure environment to prevent them from getting lost or injured.

Can I use a dog crate to house pigeons and doves?

Yes, you can use a large dog crate to house pigeons and doves indoors as long as there are no other animals in your home. However, if you plan to keep them outdoors, it is important to find a cage with bars that are close together to protect them from predators like cats, hawks, and raccoons. Keep in mind that even indoor cages may not be sufficient to protect your birds from wild predators, so it’s crucial to choose a well-constructed cage.

Can I use any outdoor cage?

Not all outdoor cages will be suitable for housing pigeons and doves. It is important to choose a cage that will keep your birds safe from predators. Make sure the bars are closely spaced together, there are raccoon-proof latches on all doors, and the bottom of the cage is secure. Otherwise, your birds could be at risk.

What should you avoid to keep pigeons healthy?

To keep pigeons healthy, avoid keeping their cages near the kitchen to prevent them from inhaling harmful chemicals, fumes, and smoke. Refrain from using scented items or chemically infused products near your pigeons. Additionally, do not cook in non-stick or Teflon-coated pans as these can release toxic fumes that can be harmful to the birds and potentially cause death.


In conclusion, whether you decide to keep your pigeons’ cage indoors or outdoors ultimately depends on your specific circumstances and preferences. Consider factors such as space availability, climate, and noise tolerance when making your decision.

By providing a comfortable and safe environment for your pigeons, you can ensure their well-being and enjoy the unique and fascinating world of pigeon keeping.

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.