Why Do Baby Pigeons Die?

Baby pigeons are a common sight in urban areas, yet many people have never seen a baby pigeon in their lifetimes. This is because baby pigeons often die before they are old enough to leave the nest. The reasons for this high mortality rate are not widely known, but understanding why baby pigeons die is crucial in order to protect and preserve their populations.

Here Are Some Reasons Why Baby Pigeons Die:

  • 1. Falling Out of the Nest
  • 2. Crushing in the Nest
  • 3. Worms and Insects
  • 4. Careless Parenting
  • 5. Predators
Why Do Baby Pigeons Die

Reasons Why Baby Pigeons Die

As a pigeon owner, it’s important to be aware of the risks and threats that can affect the well-being of your birds, especially baby lovebirds. Here are some common reasons why baby pigeons may face danger:

1. Falling Out of the Nest

Baby pigeons can be at risk if they fall out of the nest or move away from the box they are housed in. This can happen when they are exploring their surroundings or if the nest is located at a height such as a window, pillar, or tree. Survival becomes difficult in such situations.

2. Crushing in the Nest

As the young pigeons get older, they can move around in the nest and sometimes come out of it. This can lead to them being accidentally crushed by the other pigeons in the area, especially during the stampede to get food.

3. Worms and Insects

Another threat to young pigeons is the presence of worms and insects in their cage. These pests often target the pigeons or baby lovebirds and can bite or harm them, especially during the nighttime when they come to feed on the birds’ food. Adult pigeons may try to protect their young, but lovebirds, being smaller and unable to defend themselves, are at higher risk.

4. Careless Parenting

While most pigeons are good at raising and caring for their young, some pairs may not exhibit excellent parenting skills. This can result in problems such as eggs rotting or babies being neglected or starved to death. In such cases, it may be necessary to exchange their eggs with those from other breeds to ensure the safety and survival of the babies.

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5. Predators

Predators pose a significant threat to pigeons, especially baby lovebirds. Stray cats and rats are common predators that can prey on pigeons. Additionally, birds of prey like hawks, shikras, and eagles can also attack pigeons. Even crows have been known to take baby pigeons. It’s important to take measures to protect your pigeons from these predators to ensure their safety.

By being aware of these risks and taking appropriate actions to prevent them, you can help ensure the well-being and safety of your baby pigeons.

Hоw Dо Yоu Knоw If A Baby Pigeon Iѕ Dying

Baby pigeons, when sick or dying, exhibit certain behaviors and physical symptoms that are important to recognize. They tend to isolate themselves, move to shady areas, and have reduced activity levels. Additionally, they may show changes in their eating habits and interactions with the group. It’s crucial to note that sick pigeons can carry and transmit diseases, so handling them should be approached with caution.

Signs of a Dying Baby Pigeon

Look out for the following signs and symptoms to determine if a baby pigeon is dying:

  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing
  • Reluctance or inability to fly properly
  • Excessive drinking
  • Sitting very still, even when approached
  • Drooping or sloppy wings and unstable posture
  • Sitting in open spaces, such as porches or patios
  • Limping
  • Head tilted to one side
  • Changes in appetite, urination, or drinking
  • Changes in feathers or skin
  • Discharge from the eyes or nostrils
  • Vomiting or burping
  • Wheezing or sneezing

Being able to recognize the signs of a dying baby pigeon is essential for their care and well-being. If you observe any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek professional assistance to ensure the bird’s health.

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Hоw Dо Yоu Kеер Thе Baby Pigeon Alive

When it comes to caring for a baby pigeon, there are several essential steps to follow to ensure its survival.

1. Creating a Safe and Nurturing Environment

First, place the bird in a box or cage, with a guinea pig cage being a suitable option. Then, keep the cage in a warm, dark area to help calm the scared and likely injured bird.

2. Providing Essential Hydration

Next, prepare an electrolyte solution by heating a glass of water, adding a pinch of salt and sugar, and offering it to the bird. It’s crucial to rehydrate the bird before attempting to feed it.

3. Monitoring for Injuries

Check the pigeon for any visible signs of injury, such as fallen wings, bleeding, or cuts. If the bird appears to be doing well, you can offer seeds, such as safflower seeds or unpopped popcorn.

4. Seeking Professional Help

If the bird is not eating or showing signs of distress, it is essential to seek immediate help from a licensed wildlife rehabilitation center. Pigeons have high metabolisms and need to eat frequently to survive.

Keeping a baby pigeon alive requires creating a safe environment, providing hydration, monitoring for injuries, and seeking professional help if needed. By following these steps, you can give the best chance of survival to a baby pigeon in need.


What do pigeons suddenly die from?

Pigeons can suddenly die from a wide variety of diseases. They can carry and transmit diseases to humans, which is one reason they often die from these illnesses. Additionally, as pigeons age, their immune systems and other bodily functions weaken, leading to sudden death.

Should I remove dead baby pigeon from nest?

Yes, it is recommended to remove the dead baby pigeon from the nest. This will help prevent the spread of disease and maintain a clean and healthy environment for the remaining pigeons. However, it’s important to note that the death of one baby pigeon does not necessarily mean that the others are at risk of getting sick or dying.

Do baby pigeons survive?

Baby pigeons have a high chance of survival when their parents take care of them. The parents feed them, keep them warm, and teach them important skills like flying and avoiding predators. If you take baby pigeons away from their nest and move them, even to a seemingly safe place like a park, they are likely to die as they rely on their parents for survival.

What is the survival rate of baby pigeons?

The survival rate of baby pigeons is quite low, with around 90% of them dying in their first year. Starvation is the main cause of death for baby pigeons. In contrast, adult pigeons have a much higher survival rate, with a mortality rate of only around 11%.


In conclusion, the reasons for the high mortality rate of baby pigeons are complex and multifaceted. From lack of parental care to predation and disease, there are various factors that contribute to the high number of baby pigeons that do not survive to adulthood.

It is important for researchers and conservationists to continue studying and monitoring pigeon populations in order to better understand and address the factors leading to their high mortality rate.

By gaining a better understanding of the challenges faced by baby pigeons, we can work towards implementing effective conservation strategies to help promote the survival and well-being of these birds.

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of pigeonsmatter.com. I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.