How To Use Antifreeze To Kill Pigeons?

Using antifreeze to get rid of pigeons is a cruel and illegal method that poses serious harm to birds and other wildlife. However, in situations where humane measures have proved unsuccessful, one may resort to using antifreeze as a last resort.

Here are a few simple steps to follow when using antifreeze as a pigeon poison:

  1. Lay a Giant Net on the Ground.
  2. Feed the Pigeons with Antifreeze-Laced Food or Water.
  3. Dispose of the Dead Pigeons.
How To Use Antifreeze To Kill Pigeons

Use Antifreeze To Kill Pigeons?

Pour a small amount of antifreeze on the ground. Wait for pigeons to come near it. Do this quickly and make sure that you get all of the Pigeons.

1. Lay a Giant Net on the Ground:

Before feeding the pigeons with antifreeze-laced food or water, lay a giant net on the ground around the targeted area. This will make it easier to collect the dead Pigeons after the poison takes effect.

2. Feed the Pigeons with Antifreeze-Laced Food or Water:

Once the net is in place, set out food or water laced with antifreeze in the targeted area. Pigeons that consume the bait will experience a convulsive reaction for hours before eventually dropping dead. It’s essential to ensure that the antifreeze-laced bait is kept out of reach of other wildlife to avoid causing accidental harm.

3. Dispose of the Dead Pigeons:

After the poison takes effect, most of the pigeons will prefer staying where they are. Use the net to collect the dead Pigeons and dispose of their bodies appropriately. Make sure to wear gloves and avoid touching the dead Pigeons with bare hands to avoid possible ingestion of the toxic compound.

Antifreeze May Be Culprit In Death Of Pigeons

According to recent test results, it seems that antifreeze may be responsible for the sudden surge of pigeon deaths in Chattanooga’s downtown area. It remains unclear whether the Pigeons ingested this toxic substance intentionally or by accident. Earlier reports suggested that poisoned corn might have been the cause of the problem but later tests discounted this. However, signs are pointing more toward antifreeze now.

Using antifreeze to poison pigeons or any other wildlife poses not only a severe risk to their health but is also illegal in most places. Ethylene glycol, which is a primary ingredient in antifreeze, can produce excruciating and unforgiving consequences in birds. Pigeons of prey such as hawks, owls, and eagles that feed on pigeons exposed to antifreeze can also suffer severe damage.

When it comes to pest control, there are alternative methods that are not only humane but also very effective. Installing bird spikes and nets can discourage Pigeons from roosting on buildings.

Similarly, using holographic repellents or decoys can confuse Pigeons and make them go elsewhere. Employing the services of professional Pigeon control agents is another effective solution that does not involve harming the birds in any way.

Is Anti-freeze Toxic To Pigeons?

Antifreeze is a toxic substance that can cause harm to the entire body of Pigeons, including pigeons. It consists of ethylene glycol, which has a sweet taste that attracts animals, including Pigeons. Antifreeze poisoning can have severe consequences; thus, it is not advisable to use it as a means of pest control.

Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning in pigeons include drowsiness and difficulty breathing. The poison causes involuntary movements in pigeons for a brief period before leading to suffocation and eventual death.

Due to the toxicity of antifreeze, there are other possible alternatives to consider for pigeon control. The use of poisons to kill animals is banned in many countries since it can be harmful not only to the targeted species but also to other non-targeted animals. Therefore, it is crucial to seek advice from wildlife agencies or rehabilitators to come up with safe and effective ways of dealing with pigeon problems.

Other Ways To Kill a Pigeon:

When it comes to getting rid of pigeons, killing them should be the last resort. However, in certain cases, it may be necessary to eliminate them to avoid extensive damage to your property. Here are some methods that can be used to kill pigeons, with their advantages and disadvantages clearly outlined.

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1. Shooting:

Shooting is a traditional and practical method of getting rid of pigeons. The best time to attempt this is at night when they are usually inactive. An air rifle can be used for this task, but it requires great marksmanship to be successful. The major drawback of this method is that even if you shoot a pigeon perfectly, it may still be able to fly a short distance before eventually dying. This will cause significant pain to the Pigeon, which is inhumane. Additionally, shooting is typically not permitted in urban areas, so it’s mostly restricted to rural areas.

2. Poisoning:

Poisons can be used to kill pigeons, but the legality of this method varies between countries, with some even requiring a special license. Poisoned bait like rat poison is typically used, but even then, the Pigeon that has consumed it may not die immediately and instead may fly to a hidden spot and die, leading to severe odor problems. Also, if another animal, such as a pet, eats the carcass, it will be poisoned too. There are various poisons available that kill pigeons – but be sure to understand the side effects, such as potential harm to non-targeted animals.

3. Trapping:

Lethal trapping can be used to eliminate pigeons, with cages being the most common type of trap. The trap uses a constricting or snapping mechanism to quickly and effectively kill the Pigeon. However, caution must be exercised when using this method as improper use can lead to injuries. Pigeons may quickly learn to avoid the traps, making them less effective in the long run. Live traps are an alternative to lethal traps, capturing the Pigeons alive, though they must be immediately killed via lethal methods.

What Is The Best Way To Poison Pigeons?

The best way to poison pigeons is through their food. It is important to have a clear understanding of where pigeons congregate to feed. Once that is established, the introduction of the poison through bait can be done quickly and effectively.

A popular method of poison introduction is through water sources. Some toxins dissolve easily, allowing for easy mixing with water. This method is quite effective as the pigeons will ingest the poison as they drink.

Commercially available bait stations can be used to reduce pigeon populations. These bait stations contain rats and mice poisons that are also effective against Pigeons. Bait stations can be set up near feeding locations. However, caution should be exercised as these poisons can also be harmful to non-targeted animals.

What Liquid Kills Pigeons?

Liquid toxins like Thallium can be used to kill pigeons through oral consumption or inhalation. This tasteless poison can easily be mixed into water reservoirs or their feed, making it an effective method of poison introduction. Once ingested, Thallium causes vomiting, nausea, and immense pain in pigeons, ultimately leading to their death.

Another liquid poison that can be used to eliminate pigeon populations is antifreeze. This substance targets the nervous system more than Thallium, causing convulsive reactions and involuntary muscle movements in pigeons. The effects are lethal, resulting in the death of the affected pigeon.

It is vital to understand the lethality of liquid toxins and their potential dangers when using them as a method of pigeon control. Caution must be exercised to avoid non-targeted animals’ poisoning, resulting in a backlash from both wildlife agencies and rehabilitators. Moreover, trapping and relocation of pigeons should be prioritized as these methods are less likely to harm other species.

Will Pigeons Drink Antifreeze?

Ethylene glycol, commonly known as antifreeze, contains toxic chemicals that can be deadly for pigeons if consumed in concentrated form. However, if mixed with water, even in small amounts, pigeons can be fooled into ingesting it by mistaking it for regular water.

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Pigeons cannot differentiate between regular and contaminated water, so using antifreeze as bait in a drinking water reservoir can inadvertently poison them. This poses a significant risk not only to pigeons but also to other wildlife that may also drink from the contaminated reservoir, making it a less than humane solution to pigeon control.

As such, using alternative, non-toxic methods for pigeon control should be the top priority to prevent accidental poisoning of wildlife and pets. Trapping and relocation of pigeons, as well as the use of Pigeon repellents, are safer and more humane options that do not pose the same risks of poisoning.

Are Pigeons Attracted To Antifreeze?

Pigeons, including pigeons, are highly attracted to Antifreeze due to its main ingredient, Ethylene Glycol, which has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. This attraction extends to other animals such as mice, chipmunks, rats, squirrels, cats, and dogs. Unfortunately, Antifreeze is highly toxic and can have fatal consequences for any living creature that consumes it.

When a pigeon ingests Antifreeze, the toxin starts to take effect almost immediately. Symptoms such as drowsiness, difficulty breathing, and involuntary muscle movements can quickly follow. The toxicity of Antifreeze can lead to death, making it a dangerous substance to use near wildlife and pets.

Antifreeze is so toxic that it has been banned in several countries. Even small amounts can be harmful, and accidental ingestion by wildlife or pets can have severe consequences. As such, it is crucial to always handle Antifreeze with extreme care and dispose of any unused or expired products responsibly.

Can You Poison Pigeons?

Poisoning pigeons is indeed possible and can be used as a method to reduce their population. However, it is important to note that using poison to kill pigeons can have potential consequences.

The most effective way to poison a pigeon is to mix poison with their food and leave it at their nesting or rooftop area. This way, the pigeons are more likely to consume the poisoned food. It is important to ensure that other Pigeons or animals cannot access the poisoned food, as it can harm them as well and lead to unintended consequences.

Using poison to kill pigeons can lead to a quicker reduction in their population than other methods such as limiting their access to food or controlling their breeding. However, this method may not be sustainable in the long term, as the population may rebound if the root cause of the pigeon problem is not addressed.

It is important to keep in mind that poisoning pigeons can have ethical implications. It is an inhumane method to deal with the problem of pigeons and should be avoided whenever possible. Additionally, the handling and disposal of poisoned pigeons can be a challenging and unsanitary task.

Soaking Corn In Antifreeze

Soaking corn in antifreeze is a method of getting rid of pigeons, although it has serious consequences for the Pigeons. When pigeons consume this corn, they also ingest the ethylene glycol that has been used to soak it, which can lead to their death.

The corn is typically scattered in the feeding area of the pigeons, which makes it an effective way to eliminate large numbers of them at once. This method can also be used with other Pigeon diets, such as wheat or barley.

It is important to be aware of the potential harm that this method can cause to pigeons and other Pigeons. The ethylene glycol in antifreeze is highly toxic and can cause significant damage to the birds’ gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, leading to convulsive reactions and involuntary muscle movements that can last for hours.

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How Fast Does Antifreeze Kill Pigeons?

The toxicity of antifreeze for Pigeons cannot be ignored, even if it is consumed in small amounts. Essentially used for cooling motor vehicle engines, antifreeze is designed to regulate the average temperature of your car. However, it can quickly become lethal if consumed directly or indirectly by Pigeons.

Once ingested, antifreeze immediately starts a series of toxic reactions within the body of the bird. The main organ impacted by antifreeze toxicity is the liver, which processes the toxic ethylene glycol present in the antifreeze. The kidneys also suffer significant damage and ultimately fail, leading to the death of the Pigeon.

Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning in birds are clear and should be immediately recognized. Convulsive reactions and involuntary muscle movements are common, which can begin within 30 minutes of ingestion. These symptoms can last for hours, ultimately leading to death within a matter of minutes.

Antifreeze Soaked Bread

Feeding bread to pigeons is a popular activity for many people who enjoy birdwatching or simply want to connect with nature. However, the use of antifreeze-soaked bread is a deadly practice that can cause serious harm to pigeons and other Pigeons.

When slices of bread are soaked in antifreeze, the bread readily absorbs all the toxic ethylene glycol present. Dispersing these small pieces on a rooftop or a pigeon’s nesting area turns the bread into deadly traps for unsuspecting Pigeons, leading to suffocation.

The toxic effects of antifreeze are always directly on the nervous system of pigeons. The compound causes the respiratory tract to contract, causing breathing difficulty. Once ingested, ethylene glycol is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and leads to kidney failure.

The use of antifreeze-soaked bread as a pigeon poison is illegal and has no place in modern pest control practices. It’s vital to understand and avoid the harmful consequences of using this method to protect pigeons and other birds from unnecessary harm.

Pigeon Poison: Why You Shouldn’t Use It

While we understand the frustration that pigeons can cause, resorting to poisons is not the answer. Using pigeon poisons is cruel. These poisons act as nerve agents, causing convulsions followed by death, which is traumatic for the Pigeons and anyone who witnesses it. It is our responsibility to find effective and humane methods of controlling the pigeon population.

Furthermore, using pigeon poisons is ineffective. Pigeons breed quickly, so even if you were to eliminate a portion of the population, the remaining Pigeons will continue to multiply. This endless killing cycle has no tangible long-term effect, making it a cruel and ineffective method of controlling the pigeon population.

Using nerve agents to poison pigeons is not only cruel but there is no way to precisely poison them without also poisoning other Pigeons. Pigeons in the surrounding areas may also be exposed to the poison, leading to unintended and unnecessary harm.

Instead, we recommend more effective methods of controlling the pigeon population, such as making the area less desirable by removing food sources or making comfortable nesting spots inaccessible.

Additionally, there are plenty of effective and humane pigeon deterrents available on the market. Choosing these options over pigeon poisons not only reduces harm to the Pigeons but also provides a more sustainable and long-lasting solution to the pigeon problem.


This article aims to discourage the use of antifreeze as a means to control the pigeon population. Not only is it an inhumane method, but it is also ineffective in the long run. Instead, we recommend exploring more humane and effective methods of controlling the pigeon population, such as removing food sources or using pigeon deterrents.

By choosing these alternatives, we can reduce harm to the Pigeons and create a more sustainable solution to the pigeon problem. Let’s work together to find humane ways to coexist with wildlife.

Kathy Gonzales

I'm an author of I have kept pigeons as pets for over 20 years and have written several articles. Here in this blog, I cover topics such as how to care for pigeons, what to feed them, and how to keep them healthy.